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Introduction Lecture 1 FE.1-10
PDEs + BCS + Closure Lecture 2 PS.1-12
Solution Processes Lecture 3 IM.1-13
Solution Approximation, FE Tutorial Lecture 4 IM.14-15
Steady Heat Transfer, BCs Lecture 5 HT1.1-8
SHT: GWS Approximations Lecture 6 HT1.9-14
SHT: GWS Error Analysis, Acc/Convergence Lecture 7 HT1.14-20
SHT: Theory Rough Data, Nonlinearity Lecture 8 HT1.21-24
Comp. Engr. Sciences: E-B Beam Theory, Cubic Hermite Lecture 9 CM1.1-8
CES: E-B, Timo Beam Theory, Lagrange Bases Lecture 10 CM1.9-13
CES: E-M wave, Vibrations, Normal Modes Lecture 11 CM1.14-18
CES: Fluid Mechanics, Radiation Lecture 12 CM1.19-28
Steady HT, n-D: Elements, FE Bases Lecture 13 HTn.1-8
SHT, n-D: Natural Coord Bases Lecture 14 HTn.9-17
SHT, n-D: Tensor Prod Bases, Quadrature Lecture 15 HTn.18-25
SHT, n-D: BCs, Nuances, Summary Lecture 16 HTn.26-33
Finite Differences of Opinion Lecture 17 FDE.1-10
Unsteady PDEs: Convection/Diffusion Lecture 18 CD1.1-8
C/D: mGWS Acc/Converg, FE/FD/FV Lecture 19 CD1.9-15
C/D, mGWS: Phase Error, Numerical Diffusion Lecture 20 CD1.16-21
C/D, mGWS: Acc/Conv, Validations Lecture 21 CDn.1-7
Matrix Linear Algebra Lecture 22 CDn.8-15
C/D, mGWS: n-D Acc/Conv, Benchmarks Lecture 23 CDn.16-21
CES, n-D: Elasticity Lecture 24 CMn.1-9
CES, n-D: Plane Stress/Strain, Virtual Work Lecture 25 CMn.10-19
CES, n-D: Fluid Mechanics Lecture 26 CMn.20-28
CES, n-D: Mechanical Vibrations Lecture 27 CMn.29-31
Course Summary Lecture 28 SU.1-14