Equation Building Rules

1. Equations should not end in an operator.

2. Everything is symbols. The GUI does not understand numbers as numbers, nor does it understand Matlab or PICMSS script.

3. Inverse symbols can be defined, as in 1/Re. To the GUI this is one single variable/constant. The 1/ has no meaning by itself.

4. Complex derivative operations are not allowed by the compute engine interface (yet). For example, d(uv)/dx must be written as u dv/dx + v du/dx.

5. All components must be defined before the database can be built, and before the automated Jacobian building process will work..

6. Any time that the equations, Jacobians, or boundary conditions are changed the database must be rebuilt (this is now an automated process,by default, when the template is refreshed).

7. Any time the information is altered in the GUI the template must be refreshed before submitting to the local machine or server, i.e. equations, Jacobians, boundary conditions, Physical Parameters, or Iteration Parameters. The exception to this case is when the template is altered directly in the Editor window.

Note: The process of building the text script is a one-way process. If the template is altered directly in the Editor window, corresponding elements in the GUI will NOT change. Therefore, any changes made in the Editor window will be lost on the next refresh.


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